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MMTA President, Dr. Kayme Henkel

Hopefully by now you have gotten back into the routine of your teaching into the routine of your teaching schedules. I know for my family schedules. I know for my family transitioning into school wake up times is a transitioning into school wake up times is a bit rough, but I think we are getting there. bit rough, but I think we are getting there. Your MMTA board has been doing a lot to Your MMTA board has been doing a lot to plan activities for the 24/25 school year. plan activities for the 24/25 school year. I I have been inspired by the enthusiasm I have been inspired by the enthusiasm I have seen at our board retreat and our have seen at our board retreat and our meetings - hopefully you will be excited for meetings - hopefully you will be excited for all we have planned. I am looking forward all we have planned. I am looking forward to seeing you all at events throughout the to seeing you all at events throughout the year. Having you all as colleagues is an year. Having you all as colleagues is an incredible blessing and hopefully you all incredible blessing and hopefully you all plan to take advantage of the camaraderie, plan to take advantage of the camaraderie, mentorship and expertise which we all mentorship and expertise which we all share. Please read on for information on share. Please read on for information on this upcoming calendar year.

Thanks again for reading,

Kayme Henkel, MMTA President

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